Our Courses

What we do

If you are an effective training decision-maker you probably know that feeling you get just before your selected provider runs their first event for you: it's a combination of the nervous excitement that precedes a first date and the gut-wrenching knowledge that if it goes wrong there will be witnesses! No wonder so many play it safe, sticking to trusted suppliers and working on personal recommendations.

But what if your circle of acquaintances cannot provide you with what you want, leaving you stuck with 'very good' and 'I enjoyed it' when you really want 'excellent'and 'this was a life-changing experience',?

Vondel Professional Development specialises in areas where we know we can deliver real and lasting benefit. We don't pretend to cover the full spectrum of management and personal skills training, but we believe that what we do offer will stand comparison with the best in the market delivering real benefits to individuals and organisations.

Browse below for more detail on the specialist services we provide alternatively go straight to the contact us page and give us a call. Who knows, it could change the rest of your life!

From Ideas to Results

From Ideas to Results

Achieving Flow at Work

Achieving Flow at Work

Consultative Selling

Consultative Selling

Project Management

Project Management

Time / Self Management

Time / Self Management

Leadership and Management Skills

Leadership and Management Skills

Team Communications

Team Communications

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Leadership Moments

Leadership Moments

Mastering Multiple Projects

Mastering Multiple Projects

Just-in-Time Learning

Just-in-Time Learning

Agile Change Leadership

Agile Change Leadership